When the show absolutely must go on, we make sure it does.


The vital speech. The big launch. The crucial AGM. When deadlines aren’t negotiable and there’s no second chance, that’s what we thrive on. 

KRS Productions is the conference, media and exhibition event specialist you trust when success is the only option.

With over 100 years of combined know-how in delivering exceptional experiences, we’re the people your people trust to make the impossibly ambitious happen. Across the UK and Europe, we partner with blue chip businesses, government agencies, unions and production companies to create unforgettable conferences, AGMs, parties, and live music events.

Our media and broadcast facilities power the broadcast and web presence of leading organisations including Lyreco and NAME. We are the technical event production partner for major organisations and brands including NAME and NAME. 

From the NUT conference to the Commonwealth Heads of Government and the Police Federation Conference, we’re the people who make high profile happen. We plan for the unexpected and take last minute changes in our stride. So that when the pressure’s on you, we help take it off. 

We’re the people behind the UK’s most successful events. Make us part of yours.

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We do wow…We do bold. We do grand. We do simple. We do impossible.

From live event streaming to conferences to product launches, when the event absolutely has to deliver, we make sure it does.
